Rhyming with a knowing smirk, YN Jay captivates audiences with his surreal sense of humor. Connecting once again with his friend and fellow Flint, MI native Louie Ray, the...
Rio Da Yung OG, RMC Mike, AllStar JR, AllStar Lee, and Louie Ray have come together for “Game Winner,” an allstar (pun intended) drop to get...
Ah, we all dream about it, don’t we? The stopped tour buses, crowded Instagram Lives, fans knowing our every word to our songs. Everyone wants clout....
Louie Ray has a lot of fun in “Skates,” his latest release. It features a chorus with a flow reminiscent of classic Juvenile in the late...
Ja Rule’s “New York” was in honor of his home turf. It became a huge hit, but at its essence, it was a tale of love...