Navigating through the bustling, raw lanes of Omaha’s rap scene, Loso Tha Artist has unleashed his latest EP, Vibes Only,” a title that perfectly encapsulates the...
This dope duo revealed a new single on Thanksgiving to boost morale for families worldwide with “WE AINT NUMB.” Iz LaMarr and Kenny Dreams take turns...
Following collaborations with the late Fatman Scoop, P-Lo, and LaRussell on top of a strong co-sign from Bootleg Kev among other key industries figures, Bay Area...
With his Closer To The Water project on the horizon, Florida-based talent TJ Carroll enlists instrumentalist okaywarren and I Project for a new 2-Pack single experience...
Namibia native IMRSQD makes his righteous return alongside in-house producer Moflo Music with Bossa nova inspired single “Backstroke Freddy,” following the audio release of “Don’t Do...
Previewing E Murda’s upcoming album ‘Euro Steppin,’ the gritty and bar filled track “Fifth Gear” reveals a lyrical master class moment shared between two emcees that...
Air Sky is an emerging artist from Dallas, Texas, with an undeniable sound and empowering appeal. In promotion of her latest project, the new artist shares...
Following a noteworthy freestyle on COMPLEX taste-making discovery platform On The Radar and Shade 45’s “The Punchline Academy” as well as an intimate homecoming show at...
Following sold out shows in Europe, earning 400K+ streams via Spotify, and most recently an intimate performance in her hometown of Washington, D.C. at Songbyrd Music...
After sharing the stage with Rotimi for Pharrell’s ‘Something In The Water’ make up event earlier this month, Virginia-based musician turned motivational speaker Legin liberates the...