Eventnoire, the premier event ticketing platform dedicated to empowering Black and multicultural communities, made a resounding impact with its inaugural Curator Summit. Held in the heart...
In a groundbreaking move, Ross Mac, the creator of the popular digital series “Maconomics” brings his phenomenal wealth summit to the heart of Chicago. This annual...
Andrea Taylor hosts her first annual fashion gala, “The Royal Affair “, a tribute to black excellence. The inspiration behind the event stemmed from the desire to...
Jay Furr's new project is versatile.
Chicago-based multi-talented artist Kay Eye (@kayeye3rd) is making waves in both the music and acting industries with the release of his “Power Pak (EP)” and his...
Raquel (@raquelllkhan), a rising star hailing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, just released her debut single, “Angel,” featuring Kofi (@jmgkofi) on September 1st, 2023. The singer is...
Talented artist VickTuff (@VickTuff), known for his unparalleled energy and genuine artistry, is set to take the music world by storm with his latest EP release,...
Up-and-coming artist 250z (@Official250z) is currently causing ripples throughout the music scene with his remarkable fusion of trap and R&B, coupled with an unyielding commitment to...
On Wednesday, March 8th, 2023, Scratch Out Loud officially announced its “Queen of the Mix” DJ Competition on International Women’s Day, which celebrated the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of...
Yung Him has been through a lot. His new single, “Ever Since I Got Money,” pretty much recounts this story, from being shot nearly two dozens...