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Andrea Taylor Hosts First Annual Fashion Gala “The Royal Affair” Spotlighting Black Entrepreneurs In The World of Fashion



Andrea Taylor hosts her first annual fashion gala, “The Royal Affair “, a tribute to black excellence. The inspiration behind the event stemmed from the desire to spotlight and celebrate black excellence in the entrepreneurial world of fashion. Bringing together photographers, models, and business owners, its primary goal is to showcase the black community’s beauty, talent, and innovation. The event aimed to provide a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs to network, learn, and be inspired by successful individuals who have turned their dreams into reality.

 By fostering a supportive environment and highlighting the achievements of black entrepreneurs, the event sought to empower and motivate others to pursue their ambitions with determination and resilience. 

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4sho Advice

Jay Furr Gets Versatile On New Project ‘The Influence’

Jay Furr’s new project is versatile.




Jay Furr

Stream the project HERE

Hailing from the vibrant city of San Bernardino, California, and rooted in the Inland Empire, artist Jay Furr (@1jayfurr), introduces his latest body of work ‘The Influence.’ The 16-track project transcends conventional boundaries and marks his first full-length release since 2021. Furr’s unique blend of prevailing melodies and profound lyrics characterizes his distinctive sound, which he aptly labels “prevail music.” Stand out tracks from the album include “Love Don’t Cost A Thing,” “Did It Perfect,” and “Picture This,” all which offer something for every listener.

Furr shared that music serves as therapy for him, an avenue through which he continually challenges himself to exceed artistic boundaries. “Music is therapy for me and I love to create and outdo myself each time I record,” he says. “Life inspires me and knowing there’s a fan out there that I’m relating to.” His creative process is deeply intertwined with life’s experiences, drawing inspiration from the profound connection with fans who resonate with his authenticity.

Moreover, Jay Furr’s musical influences include some of the best in the game: Lil Durk, Young Thug, Future, Drake, Lil Wayne, and Gunna. These artists reflect the diverse palette that shapes his sound. He particularly admires Gunna for his musical pocket, a quality that resonates with Furr’s own approach to composition.

“The Influence” represents a significant milestone in Furr’s musical journey, showcasing his versatility and vulnerability. The project dives into all facets of Furr’s persona, encapsulating the pain, triumphs, and everything in between. “This project speaks on all aspects of me from the pain to the prevail and everything in between,” he says. “It’s giving you a glimpse of me.” 

Looking ahead, Furr promises a prolific 2024, with plans for additional projects and music releases. Fans can anticipate a flood of new content and a special tape set for release on Valentine’s Day.

In a heartfelt message to his audience, Furr encourages everyone to bounce back from life’s challenges and embrace the hardships. “Don’t be afraid to talk about the hardships because the next person could be going through the same thing as you,” he emphasizes. “Don’t be afraid to be you.”

For a firsthand experience of “The Influence” and to stay updated on Jay Furr’s musical journey, follow him on Twitter @furrskii, Instagram @1jayfurr, and YouTube Furrskii.

Listen to The Influence below:

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4sho Advice

Getting To Know Power Book IV: Force Actor And Musician Kay Eye




Kay Eye

Chicago-based multi-talented artist Kay Eye (@kayeye3rd) is making waves in both the music and acting industries with the release of his “Power Pak (EP)” and his role in the hit series “Power Book IV: Force.” He’s known for his character Greyskull, and is a fan-favorite among the season. This release marks a significant step in Kay Eye’s artistic journey, showcasing his versatility and determination to excel in both fields.

Kay Eye’s “Power Pak (EP),” is a 3-song EP accompanied by visuals for each track. The EP is a reflection of Kay Eye’s personal growth as an artist and a nod to his inclusion in 50 Cent’s Power Universe. Kay Eye explains, “Even though it wasn’t made to be a soundtrack to Power Book IV: Force, I did purposely pull 3 songs from my catalog that I felt exemplified me stepping into my ‘Power,’ so to speak, as an artist.”

Describing his sound as “unorthodox” and “unbounded by genre,” Kay Eye’s music offers a unique blend of sharp lyrical raps infused with melodies that resonate with listeners. When asked which song he would want people to hear first from his repertoire, he mentioned “Hades,” a raw and authentic track that offers a glimpse into his mind and experiences. This song’s authenticity led to its inclusion on the NBA 2K22 soundtrack, marking a significant milestone in Kay Eye’s music career.

On the acting front, Kay Eye has fulfilled a lifelong dream with his role in “Power Book IV: Force,” which premiered on September 1st, 2023. Reflecting on his passion for acting, he said, “I draw a huge part of my influence and inspiration from everyday life,” which is evident in his performances.

Looking ahead, Kay Eye has ambitious goals for both his music and acting careers. He aims to go down as a recognized top 50 rapper of all time, provide at least one classic album/project to the culture, and learn to play the piano and guitar. In the acting realm, he aspires to become an A-list actor, and win prestigious awards such as the Oscar, Emmy, and Tony.

Kay Eye’s music and acting journey has already achieved significant milestones, such as landing songs on the NBA 2K22 soundtrack and securing a role in “Power Book IV: Force.” His dedication and commitment to his craft have propelled him forward, and he shows no signs of slowing down.

As Kay Eye continues to explore new horizons, he invites fans to join him on his artistic journey. He wants his music to inspire listeners to achieve their greatest potential and encourages everyone to step into their power and win.

To stay updated with Kay Eye and his upcoming projects, follow him on social media:

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Raquel shares powerful message in new single “Angel” ft. Kofi





Raquel (@raquelllkhan), a rising star hailing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, just released her debut single, “Angel,” featuring Kofi (@jmgkofi) on September 1st, 2023. The singer is making her mark on the music scene with her emotive sound and powerful storytelling.

Her debut single, “Angel,” tells a poignant story of a person finding the strength to leave a relationship that no longer serves them. It explores the complexities of being someone’s “angel” while realizing that it’s time to move on.

“It’s the portrayal of when you’re nothing but an angel to the person you’re with, but they didn’t always appreciate how good you treated them,” Raquel says. “After you leave because of their actions, they portray you as the bad guy. You have to remind them that no, you’re not the ‘bad guy,’ but you’re not ‘their angel’ anymore.” 

“You feel sorry for how their love for you encompasses their soul, and without you now they feel empty; but, you remind them that you told them before that one day you’d leave if they didn’t change their ways, and now leaving them brought out the savage side in you that they may have deserved all along,” she continues.

The message of the song is evident throughout the single. It’s a track that resonates with many, which is the essence of Raquel’s goal through making music. Describing her sound in her own words, Raquel explains that she aims to create music that not only makes you want to move and dance but also evokes powerful emotions. 

“Whether it’s empowerment, melancholy, or euphoria — my goal is to make my listeners feel something unique each time,” she shares. Her music is characterized by wavering tones, fluctuating vocal ranges, and emotive rifts, creating a mesmerizing experience for her audience.

Raquel’s sources of inspiration are as diverse as her music. She’s inspired by songs filled with passion and emotion. Nature also plays a pivotal role in her creative process, with plans to incorporate the sounds of nature and references to celestial elements in her music. She believes in the power of melancholic moments as they often lead to her most prolific songwriting.

Raquel’s music career is just beginning, and she has ambitious goals for the future. She envisions releasing her first album in 2024, collaborating with various artists, composing musical scores for movies, and performing live for audiences.

“I want listeners to feel like they resonate with the venerability I hope to convey in my upcoming songs, and that it’s never too late to pursue your dreams!” she says.

You can follow Raquel’s musical journey on her social media platforms:

Instagram: @raquelllkhan

TikTok: @raquelkhanmusic

Check out the song “Angel” ft. Kofi below.


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