Virginia’s IIIDAZE is a triumvirate known for its members’ effortless originality. On their new cut “Electric Body,” the group deep dives in nostalgia to produce a...
Rich Town Magazine deserves an award for Cash Kidd and 5674’s video for”Real Nigga.” For as frantic as the cuts and camera shaking gets, it’s still...
Rocky Badd’s new video for “Let Em Have It” shows us once again why that, when it comes to hard hitting lyrics and tenacious flows, she’s...
Being along for Molly Brazy’s rise has been like being on a roller coaster; we’ve seen her at her lowest, and now she’s living fast, rapidly...
Last week, we talked about La’Britney and Kash Doll’s “Actin Funny” being a great release from two of Detroit’s hottest female artists. The only thing that...
Saweetie burst onto the scene with “ICY GRL,” but she’s proving that she has much more to say about women’s empowerment and sexual freedom. She’s released...
Move over Snap Dogg, you aren’t the only one with a better version of YBN Nahmir’s “Rubbin Off The Paint” out now. Mari Bandz has released...
Rocky Badd goes full-on femme fetale in her video for “Lick My Choppa” Clad in skin tight lingerie and make-up that truly shows her already established...
We know Molly Brazy for two things – a larger-than-life personality and a serious, fearful flow. What we don’t know, or at least we didn’t prior to the...
Look, we’ve been here before. Another viral hit, another target for Detroit’s Snap Dogg. He specializes in hijacking beats and making them his own with his...