Willy J Peso and Oba Rowland’s new track, “New Rules,” changes the playing field. The two rappers set the tone for their exciting new release with...
The latest from RiskTaker D-Boy and Oba Rowland is a banger of the meanest kind. Coincidentally, its name is “Mean Something” and is a showcase of...
If you’re looking for a place to check out all of the videos that we’ve uploaded this week, lo and behold – it’s right here. Tune...
It’s always nice to hear something that’s more lively than trappish. Most street music is slower paced to take advantage of rattling bass, which in turn...
Artist: Oba Rowland x Reg2g Song: No Way
Oba Rowland debuts the DerwynnWho-directed music video to his new track “Corrupt,” produced by Jones.