LVRN’s shining star Kye Colors‘ unloads his 5-track project titled ‘COLORMAN: YELLOW.’ The latest installment in the Missouri native’s COLORMAN EP series follows the Deante’ Hitchcock...
For over a decade, Father has carved his own path through the music industry, cultivating a community with his quotable rhymes and offbeat humor. Offering a snapshot of...
Camp Flog Gnaw Carnival, the beloved Los Angeles-based music festival and brainchild of Tyler, The Creator, announces its long-awaited return for 2023. Produced in collaboration with Goldenvoice, Camp...
As buzzing new artists to watch, Nahvi and DK blend their charismatic sound, growing popularity, and more for the new collaboration, Go Be Great, released this...
Two street icons, Jay Worthy and Roc Marciano, have linked up to announce a joint album Nothing Bigger Than The Program out May 26 and entirely...
After solidifying himself with his Conway The Machine-assisted ‘Goat Eater’ standout “Details,” Boogie aka Boogie3x announces the sequel to 2017’s ‘Ants & Elephants’ by uploading a...
No stranger to bringing his love life issues into the booth, West Coast-based wordsmith Skrizzy unloads the Armani Darling-co-directed music video for “Safe Space.” The latest...
K Camp partners with social media giant TikTok for the catchy new song “Pretty Ones” featuring B-Lovee. The trendy track pairs a hard-hitting trap beat with...
Dustystaytrue is a promising new star in today’s music equipped with trendy style, energetic wordplay, and authentic appeal. Eager to make 2023 his breakout year, the...
Jay Wheeler says he is ready to continue surprising his audience in the new year with new projects, new music, and his first world tour. He...